Video Podcast:
In this video podcast Marina talks to Roger Royse of Roger Royse Law.
Topics discussed include: Why should people do estate planning? What are the basic components of estate plans? What kind of trust are we talking about? How much cheaper are trusts than probate? How do financial and medical powers of attorney work? What happens to incapacitated people who didn’t execute powers of attorney before their incapacity? How do the Health Care Directives work – who is a good agent, what are their rights and limitations regarding the “pull the plug” provisions, attorney forms vs. hospital forms, what happens with the remains? Updating trusts when new assets are acquired? What happens with the trust after death of the settlor – what does the successor trustee job look like? Should people write letters of instruction?
Audio Podcast:
In this audio podcast Marina talks to Anitha Pilai, President/ Wealth Manager at AP Investment. Management.
Topics discussed include: Why should people do estate planning? How much cheaper is trust planning than probate? What’s the difference between a will and a trust? Most common type of trust? Adding trusts as retirement account beneficiaries? What are the roles associated with trusts (settlors, trustees, beneficiaries)? What options do people have for nominating trustees, if there are no qualified family members?
Listen to this episode here.
One Minute FAQs: Wills and Trusts Basics
What Is a Settlor, Trustee, Beneficiary?
Do You Need a Trust If You Have a Will?
One Minute FAQs: After Trust is Created
One Minute FAQs: Powers of Attorney and Health Care Directives
Living Will aka Advanced Health Care Directive
One Minute FAQs: Children and Estate Planning
Who Will Be My Kid’s Legal Guardian If I Die?
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